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The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter are delighted to announce four new Members of the Charter, the first of 2021. These employers have gone from ‘Supporters’ to ‘Members’, due to their continued employment excellence, and their demonstration of how deeply embedded good employment is within their organisation. Above is a video of current Members Making You Content, Rowlinson Knitwear and Pozzoni Architecture, alongside key partner of the Charter Acas. They are welcoming our new Members and explaining what good employment practice means to them.


The new Members of the Charter are:


To become Members, these organisations have gone through extensive assessments and a technical review panel – ensuring that each characteristic of the Charter is evident within their practices and policies. This is to ensure that the good employment standards for the Charter are met. However, the good employment movement does not end at the membership stage, and the Members are working to continually improve practice and meet new standards as the world of work evolves.


The Good Employment Charter is working to improve employment standards across Greater Manchester, which in turn contributes towards a thriving and productive economy. The Charter seeks commitment and excellent practice across seven key characteristics of good employment:

  • Secure Work
  • Flexible Work
  • Real Living Wage
  • Engagement and Voice
  • Recruitment
  • People Management
  • Health and Wellbeing


Organisations can begin their journey with the Charter at the Supporters Tier, which asks employers to commit to improve practices while providing them with appropriate support and resources. Find out more, and how to get involved here.