This quarter, the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter are delighted to announce ten new Members.
In this announcement, we hear from Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester. He celebrates the news, and provides his thanks to all Supporters and Members for continuing to prioritise good employment practice through a difficult year.
The employers progressing from ‘Supporter’ to ‘Member’ of the Charter are:
- Great Places Housing Group
- IN4 Group
- Inicio Group
- Koderly
- Manchester Care and Repair
- North West Employers
- Pathways CIC
- Refresh PR
- Salford Foundation
- YES Manchester
Progressing to Membership means undergoing an assessment and technical panel review, before the assessment is reviewed by the Charter’s board. The seven characteristics of Good Employment must be met according to various criteria, allowing the Charter team and board to be confident in their approval of each Member to this tier.
New and existing Members of the Charter are continually working to improve their practice, as criteria adapts and good employers stay on top of the changing world of work.
The Good Employment Charter's goal is to raise employment standards throughout Greater Manchester and contribute to a thriving and productive economy. Employers can start their journey with the Charter as a Supporter, which asks them to commit to improving practice, with support and resources available. To find out more, join the network today.